12 Retro Merch Ideas for Big Tech Companies

YouTube in retro

Shop for Creative Gifts

Seigaiha Corporate Gift Set
Wooden Music Box - Ballerina Carousel
Original price was: RM88.00.Current price is: RM78.00.
PU Corporate Gift Set
DAX PU Pull-Tab Card Holder 1
Original price was: RM38.00.Current price is: RM28.00.
Wooden Music Box - Merry Xmas B

If you are sentimental about the antenna TV, videotape, cassette tape, floppy disk, typewriter, dial phone, roll film, etc. – don’t worry, old is gold!

These are the products being replaced by technology over the years as part of human advancement, also facilitated by a couple of global technology companies.

Most of the big tech companies are like celebrities in the business world, they are very much adored by the public even though they are using you as their products.

Nevertheless, it can be quite nostalgic if the tech companies go retro with their brand merchandise to symbolize the evolution and what they have been replacing.

Here are some imaginative, creative merch ideas for the tech companies. Hopefully, they make some for their paying enterprise clients!



YouTube in retro

From Antenna TV to YouTube

During the antenna TV era, television programs used to be the only entertainment back then. Now, there is endless content on YouTube.


Neflix in retro

From Videotape to Netflix

Before OTT (streaming over the Internet), Netflix started its business as a DVD rental company. DVD is not retro enough but videotapes are.


Spotify in retro

From Cassette Tape to Spotify

Like videotape to Netflix, the cassette tape has evolved to CD and now, people are listening to music over the Internet, especially Spotify.

Apple iCloud

iCloud in retro

From Diskette to Apple iCloud

You would have seen this diskette (a.k.a. floppy disk) if you are old enough. Storage has since evolved to other mediums and the cloud (online storage).

Microsoft Word

Ms Word in retro

From Typewriter to Microsoft Word

Going back to the years before computers and floppy disks, businesses and academics were using typewriters which you can’t undo.


Gmail in retro

From Snail Mail to Gmail

Google Workspace should send their paying customers some merch like this, with an appreciative ‘thank you for your money’ chop.


WhatsApp in retro

From Dial Phone to WhatsApp

Landline phones are still around but have you seen those with a rotary dial? People don’t like to talk anymore nowadays, just WhatsApp.


LinkedIn in retro

From Newspaper Classifieds to LinkedIn

Okay, this is not exactly suitable as merchandise but it’s nostalgic for the older generations who used to shortlist job classifieds with a pen.


Wikipedia in retro

From Encyclopedia to Wikipedia

Not funded by advertising, Wikipedia operates on a donation-based revenue model. Perhaps, they can introduce merch to entice and reward donations?


Facebook in retro

From Photo Album to Facebook

While people no longer print 3R or 4R photos, nicely printed photo books still make sense. How often do you check back your digital photos?


Instagram in retro

From Roll Film to Instagram

Instagram is a place for beautiful things and (sometimes artificially) beautiful people. How about a roll film with a lens to un-filter those photos?


Tinder in retro

It’s a Match! by Tinder

Aren’t you excited when Tinder prompts you with this notification? This can be useful at night-life spots or social events, don’t you agree?


Credit: All visuals illustrated by Luli Kibudi

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